First of all, sorry to everyone that What the NERF hasn't had an update at all over the most important weekend of the blog's life. This is due to the fact that I didn't want to pay $10.00 for the wifi at the resort.
Anyway, I will just start at the beginning of the weekend for this post (Friday's happenings)...
So Friday had finally come; The day of traveling and getting to Florida. It all started with some loud pop song blaring when my alarm went off at around 6:00AM in the morning. I showered, grabbed my bags, and went off top the airport with my Mom. We arrived in good time, but that didn't help the flight situation. When we got there, we were going to have the ticket counter workers print out our ticket, but our tickets had been canceled because the travel agent that NERF had hired failed to enter our ages into the system for Airtran. When then had to call NERF's flight travel agent and got everything worked out, but had to go onto the next flight to Orlando which wasn't leaving for another 3 hours. There was a lot of fun to be had in the airport (not), especially with no free wifi. Finally, after hours of playing Angry Birds, tapping my feet, and listening to tunes, the plane was here ( of course it was 10 minutes late). After we landed in Orlando, we had to traverse a huge airport to the Disney Magical Express... And boy was it magical... It was roughly a 35 minute bus ride to our resort, and I got there about 20 minutes before the rookie symposium was scheduled to begin (7:00PM). The symposium was where we met our teammates, got introduced to the blasters, and go to walk around on the new battle arena. My teammates were awesome and very open to ideas that I had, and they also knew the blasters well. The new arena was EPIC and much bigger then the old battle dome. After eating some pizza and making up my team name (Knightmare), we headed back to the hotel for some much needed rest.
feelin you should of gone with "The A Team" for your name